What Can You Put Around Your House To Keep Mice Out?

What Can You Put Around Your House To Keep Mice Out?

Having a mice infestation is a nightmare for any homeowner. If a mouse moves in they’ll eat your food, get your family sick, and leave filth wherever they go. And getting them out is far harder than getting them to move in. So, it’s good for any homeowner to keep things around that keep mice out. But what can you put around your house to keep mice out? To help you prevent a mice infestation, we’ve put together some ways to keep mice out of your abode.

Preventative Techniques

The best way to keep mice out of your home is to prevent them from even being able to enter. Mice can fit into very small holes, so it’s important to seal as many holes as possible on the outside of your home. Using caulk, walk around your property. You’ll want to seal and crack, holes, or crevices. Anything as small as a dime is a fair game. Also, check the screens on your doors and windows. If they have any rips or tears they’ll need replacing.

Essential Oils

Mice dislike some natural scents. By putting cotton balls that have these scents around your house, you may be able to prevent mice from wanting to stick around. Scents like peppermint oil, cayenne pepper, pepper, and cloves. You could also make little satchels with cayenne pepper, whole cloves, and mint leaves in them. Put these satchels in places mice like to be, like dark corners and under beds. While it may not be the most effective technique, you could give it a try.

Ammonia and Used Kitty Litter

Ammonia is found in cat urine. Cats, being a natural predator to a mouse, are bad news for mice. If you have access to a cat, consider saving some of their used litter to put places like under the sink and in the attic. It may be able to keep the mice away from those areas. If you don’t have access to a cat, bottles of ammonia may do the same trick. However, make sure the bottles are kept away from pets and children

Call a Professional

By far the best thing to have around your house is a professional anti-pest barrier. If you are trying to prevent mice from entering your home, contact Bee Smart Pest Control. Bee Smart Pest Control can create a barrier around your home that will prevent rodents from entering it.

Our professionals will not only be able to identify where in your home rodents are getting in but come up with a personalized preventative solution for you and your home. We also only use safe chemicals while treating your home to keep your family, and ours, safe. Don’t hesitate to contact us if you want the peace of mind that being pest-free brings, we’d love to help you! If you think you might have a rodent problem or want to prevent them from coming inside this winter, Contact Bee Smart Pest Control online, or call us at 720-937-0527.