Winter Maintenance Tips to Prevent Wasps in the Spring

Winter Maintenance Tips to Prevent Wasps in the Spring

Wasps are one of the most common pests in Colorado. In the spring, they come back into the ecosystem and find a place to settle for the warm season. As summer progresses, they’ll get more aggressive as they start to scavenge for food. Wasps can be incredibly territorial, and the last thing you want is a wasp nest around your home. Luckily, Bee Smart Pest Control has compiled some winter maintenance tips to prevent wasps in the spring.

Where do Wasps Come from in the Spring?

Wasps disappear in the winter, but come back in the spring, so where do they go? surprisingly enough, most wasps simply die once the cold hits. The only survivor is the queen wasp, which finds a hiding spot to spend the winter in. Once the weather gets warm enough, the queen will start to search for a place that will become her new brood’s home. Once she finds a place, she can make start laying eggs to make new workers. The new workers grow up and build their queen a nest for the new season.

Tips to Prevent Wasps in the Spring

The best winter maintenance tip to prevent wasps in the spring is to look around the exterior of your home. Cracks or holes in the walls, roofing, and foundation should be filled. Any way that wasps can use your home as shelter, they will. Holes in your siding, screen doors, or the screens in your windows can also be utilized by wasps. Sealing any way to your house will help avoid wasp nests inside. It will also prevent any wasps from trapping themselves in your home. A wasp that’s stuck inside will try to get out in any way possible, even to the extreme of chewing through your drywall.

Also, consider getting trash cans that can completely seal. Once the wasps start scavenging they’ll happily search through your garbage. Sealing trash cans avoid them from hanging around your trash. You may think that wasp traps are the best way to counter wasps, however, there is a better way that can help you all year.

Call A Professional

The absolute best way to prevent wasps is to call a professional pest control expert. A pest control expert will be able to set up a barrier around your home to keep all pests from entering your house. Wasps won’t even consider coming near your home, keeping you and your family safe from the stinging menace. If you think that you’d like to avoid wasps this year, contact a professional.

If you’re looking for a pest control agency, contact us. Wasps are a potentially dangerous nuisance to your family, and Bee Smart Pest Control will help you get a personalized solution. We pride ourselves on our safety and ability to relate to our customers on a personal level. Contact Bee Smart Pest Control online, or call us at 720-937-0527, to get a solution for your exact pest control problem today!