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Have you ever gone to get a snack only to find an unwelcome guest – ants? You don’t have to accept these pesky intruders as part of your life. With the proper pest control for ants, you can rid yourself of these bothersome insects quickly and safely. Here, we’ll explore the various methods of ant control, from DIY approaches and store-bought products to professional pest control services. Keep reading to learn more about how to get rid of ants in your home without doing harm to yourself or your family.

Ants Pest Control Brighton Colorado


Eliminating the source of food and moisture is the most effective way to control an ant infestation. You may also want to call a pest control service for professional help in removal and treatment.


Identifying the type of ants in your home is an important step to controlling their presence. Depending on which species of ant you encounter, there could be a wide variety of different methods for elimination and prevention. Generally, there are three types of ants that commonly enter homes: Carpenter Ants, Fire Ants, and Acrobat Ants.

Carpenter Ants are by far the most common infestation found in homes across the United States, as they are drawn to wet, decaying wood that is exposed to excessive moisture. These dark brown or black ants are generally larger than other species of ants and can reach lengths up to 5/8” long. Carpenter Ants differ from traditional pavement ants because the worker ants build nests in wood instead of soil, and this can often lead to structural damage if not treated promptly.

Fire Ants are an invasive species in the US that are native to South America. These pests were most likely brought over to our country through cargo shipments and now inhabit large parts of the southeastern states. Fire Ants get their name from their fiery-hot sting that can cause intense burning pain for days after being stung. They range in color from brownish-orange to reddish-black and typically nest outdoors beneath rocks or logs, but will colonize in warm places indoors if they gain access through cracks or crevices.

The final type of commonly found ant is Acrobat Ant, which has a distinctive “heart-shaped” abdomen when viewed from above. Acrobat ants prefer areas around moisture sources such as damp wood or leaky pipes and are one of the few species that can actually bite humans if threatened or provoked. Additionally, Acrobat ants give off an unpleasant odor when threatened which aids in identifying them within your home’s walls or ceilings – if you smell something musty, you may have an acrobat ant problem!

In conclusion, determining which type of ant is invading your home is essential in crafting a successful plan for pest control and prevention. If necessary, consider contacting a professional exterminator who has experience dealing with specific ant species within your region – this is especially helpful for more serious infestations or rare occurrences such as indigenous Florida Harvester ants (which also feed on small insects). In any case, prompt action should be taken against unwanted ant species before they spread and become established within a structure. So now let’s turn our focus towards prevention methods to keep these pesky bugs out!


Prevention methods are key when it comes to pest control, and getting rid of ants quickly and safely. It is important to take steps prior to an ant invasion in order to ensure that you never have to deal with them in the first place. Taking preventative measures like sealing up entry points and removing food sources can go a long way in keeping ants out.

One of the most important steps in preventing ant infestations is to seal off any possible access points into your home. This would include inspecting window sills, door frames, spaces around plumbing fixtures, and even small crevices or cracks in the wall. Sealing up these spaces will not only help keep out ants but many other types of pests as well.

Keeping ants from entering your home is also a matter of ensuring that their food sources are inaccessible. This means keeping food sealed tight in containers as well as regularly wiping down countertops and kitchen surfaces where food particles may be present. Vacuuming carpets or ruffling furniture often helps get rid of crumbs or grains which can attract ants looking for a snack.

Although these preventative steps may seem common sense, some view them skeptically, claiming that they don’t always work or are too time-consuming – especially if you live in an area prone to ant invasions. However, this is not necessarily true as effective prevention methods can make all the difference between a house full of ants, and one completely ant-free! With consistent effort, homeowners can achieve success in both prevention and pest control against invading ant colonies.

Finally, understanding both sides of the argument will help lead into the next section on “Steps to Prevent Ant Infestations” which will focus further on more detailed methods for effective prevention of how to get rid of ants quickly and safely.


Ant infestations can be prevented through the effective sealing of entry points and the removal of food sources. Prevention methods include inspecting window sills, door frames, plumbing fixtures, and other small crevices or cracks in walls as well as keeping food sealed away, and regularly wiping down kitchen surfaces. Despite claims that these methods are ineffective or too time-consuming, following them consistently can lead to successful prevention and pest control against ant colonies.


One of the most effective ways to prevent ant infestations is by actively regulating the sources of their food and water. Ants can range widely in size and type, but usually, they will attempt to feed on sugary or fatty food sources like sugar, flour, grease, and pet food. All crumbs, decorative items containing sugar or fat, and open containers should be stored in airtight containers; leftovers should be thrown out promptly. Water sources such as sinks and drains should be properly maintained by fixing any leaking pipes and regularly cleaning surfaces with soap and water.

The use of baits is another proactive option for prevention as they may be used to control ant populations before an infestation occurs. Baits contain an attractive chemical that attracts ants which carry a slow-acting insecticide. Ants consume the bait then return to the colony and spread the insecticide which ends up killing the queen eventually leading to colony elimination.

Focusing vigilantly on maintaining a clean environment inside your home is also essential– ideally, you want to make your home undesirable to ants while still being comfortable for human occupation. This means regular vacuuming as well as sweeping and mopping with soapy water. You can also seal off small cracks and crevices where ants often enter– sticky traps near entry points are also beneficial in trapping scout ants before a bigger nest can develop.

Creating a perimeter around your house is a final strategy for preventing ant infestations. Spraying barriers around doorways, windowsills and other potential entry points using products such as borax or pesticides can effectively deter ant invasions from attempting to make your house their home. It’s important to note that this bristling defensive wall needs periodic maintenance so a monthly spray-down might be essential for maximum protection.

Overall, there are many methods for preventing ant infestations but it’s clear that staying vigilant about regularly cleaning and developing proactive deterrent methods are key components of proactively managing ant control issues. By committing yourself to these measures, paired with helpful products available on the market today, you may find yourself saving time and money associated with dealing with more severe ant problems down the line.

Leading into the next section about “Safe and Natural Ways to Repel Ants,” it’s important also to understand how these types of pest-repelling substances work without putting ourselves or our family members at risk due to potentially harmful chemicals involved in traditional pest control solutions.


The use of safe and natural methods to repel ants can be cost-effective and easy to use. Keeping a clean home is your best defense against ants as it reduces their food sources. Clean up any standing water, vacuum crumbs, and food residue, and keep all surfaces wiped down with detergent and hot water. Additionally, if you have pets, make sure that all pet food dishes are kept clean in order to prevent ants from swarming to them.

Removing the sources of sweet or greasy food is important for controlling ants. This can include sealing up any gaps around windows and doors, keeping your trash secure, and making sure that there are no cracks or crevices for them to enter through. Some effective natural ingredients which can help to repel ants include vinegar, essential oils, cucumber skin, coffee grounds, ant bait solutions, borax powder, and diatomaceous earth (DE).

Using vinegar as a repellant is one of the most popular ways to stop an ant invasion without endangering your home or health. A solution of 50/50 vinegar and water can be sprayed on areas around your home where you’ve seen ants or thought they might enter. Essential oils like peppermint oil or eucalyptus oil are also excellent at driving away ants when used correctly. Place drops of oil in areas that are frequented by ants and reapply every few days to keep them away. Cucumber skin also works great because ants don’t like the taste or smell of cucumbers; simply rub some slices along windowsills and doorways.

On the other hand, some argue that these natural ant repellents are not always foolproof, especially when dealing with large infestations and persistent ant species. In addition, essential oils may prove dangerous if ingested – or toxic – if not applied correctly so accuracy is key when using them as a method of repellent for ants or any other household pests.

Ultimately whether you choose to use natural or store-bought products to rid your home of ants depends on the severity of the ant infestation. Natural options tend to be more sustainable and less dangerous than chemical alternatives but may not be enough on their own when it comes to treating severe infestations. Moving on from this topic however, let’s look at the next section which takes a closer look at how you should go about dealing with an existing ant infestation in your home.


When it comes to existing ant infestations, there is a lot to consider. While some ant species are harmless and more of a nuisance than anything else, certain ants can be destructive and damaging to property and health. In this case, taking immediate action is important to eliminate the problem quickly before it gets worse.

There is an argument to be made when it comes to chemical or DIY treatments for an infestation. On one hand, chemical treatments can be very effective in eliminating an ant infestation but they can also pose a risk to human health, pets, and plants if not used correctly. On the other hand, DIY treatments can present less of a risk but may take longer to eradicate the problem and may not fully address the source of the infestation.

It’s important to evaluate each situation carefully before deciding on which method will work best. There may also be cases where a combination of both methods is necessary to get rid of an ant infestation completely. Regardless of which treatment method you decide on, it’s essential that you follow all protocols correctly for maximum effect and safety.

No matter how effective any treatment method is, there may come a time when trapping and baiting fail; this is why it is important to understand what steps you can take next when dealing with an existing ant infestation. The next section looks at what you should do when trapping and baiting fail.


Trapping and baiting can be effective methods for the removal of ants if done properly. However, there are some situations in which these methods may not prove to be successful. In these cases, it is important to assess why your efforts were unsuccessful and determine the best course of action moving forward.

One potential explanation for failed attempts at trapping and baiting is that the insecticides used were inadequate or improperly applied. To remedy this situation, you should use a stronger insecticide or increase the amount of bait used. Follow all safety precautions when choosing and applying these products.

In more extreme cases, it is possible that the ant population is too large for trapping and baiting alone to resolve the problem. Instead, multiple measures must be taken to eradicate them completely. It is also likely that a thorough inspection of the area will need to be conducted to identify any nests where they dwell and may even require sealing off entry points into the house with caulk or steel wool.

Finally, if all else fails, you may want to consider enlisting the help of a professional pest control service. Professional exterminators have access to more powerful insecticides as well as specialized equipment like foggers and dusters that can reach into wall crevices or other hard-to-reach areas where ants have established their nests. Moreover, they can often identify systemic problems that are attracting ants in the first place such as poor sanitation or structural deficiencies that property owners may not be aware of otherwise.

If trapping and baiting fail, there are several options for getting rid of ants quickly and safely beyond DIY techniques. The next section will discuss the advantages of enlisting professional extermination services for dealing with a major ant infestation.


For those struggling to get rid of ants on their own, professional extermination services may be the best option. Unlike DIY methods, professional exterminators are trained and experienced in dealing with a range of different pest control issues, including large ant infestations. Professional exterminators can safely and quickly exterminate ants from both indoor and outdoor spaces using insecticides that are designed specifically for ant eradication.

However, some homeowners may worry about environmental risks associated with pesticides used for ant extermination. Many commercial insecticides are indeed toxic to humans and animals if misused. Therefore, it is important to carefully consider your options and to discuss the safety of the products used by the exterminator with them prior to having any services performed. Furthermore, it’s recommended that homeowners research multiple companies before deciding on which one to hire for extermination services. It’s important to choose one that is licensed and certified, as well as experienced in dealing with your particular ant problem.

Lastly, professional extermination services can often come at a hefty cost; this is something to be aware of when deciding whether or not to go down this route. Nonetheless, it might be worth investing in professional services if you find yourself unable to eradicate an extensive ant infestation on your own.

Next, we’ll explore how to get rid of ants outside in outdoor areas such as gardens, yards, and so on.


When dealing with ant infestations outside the home, it is important to look beyond just extermination. Many practices, such as proper sanitation and moisture control, can help prevent infestations before they even happen.

When it comes to controlling outdoor ant populations, mechanical traps, pesticide treatments, and baits may be used depending on the severity of the infestation. Mechanical traps are often placed around foundations and other problem areas to limit the pathway of ants into your yard or garden. Pesticide treatments can also be used for existing colonies. These products must always be handled with caution according to label directions and should be applied at least 10 feet away from any drinking water sources to reduce runoff contamination. Once applied, these treatments will help provide a safe area from ant activity for up to several weeks with continued efficacy. Additionally, baiting systems can be used for both short-term control and long-term prevention of outdoor infestations. Baiting provides a low-impact approach that allows ants to find bait more efficiently, reducing the amount of pesticide needed overall. It is important to note when buying any form of bait product that there can be a debate over whether it is better to use gel bait or solid bait outdoors; this decision should ultimately be determined by consulting with a pest control professional who best understands the ant biology in your particular area and can recommend the most effective baiting product for your need.

In conclusion, extermination and prevention of ant activity outside the home require careful consideration and professional experience to ensure successful results in limiting ant populations without risking potential harm or contamination of the environment. With this in mind, a thoughtful combination of mechanical treatments, pesticide applications, and targeted baiting practices can provide long-lasting success in ridding your yard or garden of ants quickly and safely.


Pest control for ants is an important part of keeping your home and garden healthy. Thankfully, there are several methods that can be used to get rid of ants quickly and safely. Preventative measures such as eliminating food sources and sealing up entry points into the home can aid in preventing ant infestations. Additionally, using natural solutions such as baits, boiling water, vinegar, and essential oils can be an effective way to eliminate existing ant populations. If these solutions fail, it may be necessary to employ chemical solutions that are specifically designed to target ants and other pests. No matter what pest control method is used, it is critical to use caution when working with chemicals or when attempting any pest control solution, as improper handling can cause physical injury or damage that could have been avoided.

When it comes to pest control for ants, there are pros and cons for each method available. Natural solutions often involve nontoxic ingredients and thus have few side effects; however, their effectiveness at killing existing populations of ants can be limited. Chemical solutions tend to be more effective than natural solutions; however, they do involve greater risk due to the toxicity of their ingredients. Ultimately, which method is chosen should depend on the specific situation and the type of ant problem being addressed.

You may be tempted to try and eliminate ants yourself. Home treatments tend only to kill visible bugs. They do not destroy nests, which can be tough to spot, and exceptionally resilient. Some nests may not even be inside your home. Each type of ant responds differently to separate treatments. For instance, some will be attracted to baits, where others will need spot sprays, and still, others will need entirely different treatments. Ants will also develop new colonies altogether by producing a new queen and branching outward. That means your problem might not stem from a single nest.
The professionals at Bee Smart Pest Control will not only be able to identify the problem but create a unique plan to solve your exact issue. We pride ourselves on maintaining traditional values and respect while embracing the newest pest control technology. With Bee Smart, you’ll find we consistently deliver efficient and effective work, while relating to our customers on a personal level. Call us today and start on the road to becoming pest-free.
  • According to a 2011 study, pesticide use is the most effective method for controlling ant populations in homes and gardens.
  • In 2018, pesticide treatments were found to be 72% more effective for ant control when compared with non-chemical methods.
  • A 2020 study reported that certain pest control products had shown higher efficacy against specific ant species, eliminating up to 97% of ants in the treated area.



The most effective pest control methods for ants target their vulnerability as a species. Ants live in large colonies and so specific chemicals, baits, and sprays can be used to eliminate their food source and disrupt the colony’s organization. For example, boric acid is an important component of many ant control products. It works by interfering with the ants’ digestion and dehydrating them. Additionally, ant bait can be placed strategically around the home, luring them away from food sources and ultimately killing them. Finally, sprays such as insecticides can be used in conjunction with traps to kill visible ants quickly.

Overall, using a combination of these pest control methods will ensure that the ants are treated effectively and safely according to their behavior patterns and vulnerabilities.


Yes, there are several natural and organic pest control measures that can be used to get rid of ants. For example, one popular solution is using diatomaceous earth (DE) which is a type of sedimentary rock composed of fossilized algae. DE works by cutting and drying out the ants’ bodies, ultimately killing them without the use of harsh chemicals. Additionally, strong essential oils like tea tree oil, lemongrass oil, peppermint oil, eucalyptus oil, and clove bud oil have been found to be effective against insects like ants when combined with water or other common household liquids. Furthermore, using boric acid or sprinkling it around the house can also be useful in discouraging ants from entering it since they hate its taste and texture. Finally, setting up herbal ant repellents like bay leaves, garlic cloves or sage nearby can help ward them off as well. All of these methods are considered safe and non-toxic alternatives to chemical insecticides as long as they’re applied properly.


Potential health risks associated with using pesticides to control ants can range from minor skin inflammation and eye irritation to more serious issues such as respiratory problems, central nervous system damage, and even cancer. Pesticides are designed to target pests, but they can also contain hazardous chemicals and bioaccumulate in the body over time when not used properly or in extreme concentrations. Therefore, it is important to take all necessary precautionary measures when using pesticides to control ant infestations.

The most significant risk associated with using pesticides to control ants is through inhalation of the chemical. Inhalation of potent pesticides can cause respiratory issues including asthma-like symptoms, bronchitis, and potentially increased risk for certain types of cancer. It can also irritate the mucous membranes and lead to coughing and chest tightness. If these symptoms occur following the use of a pesticide it is important for you to seek medical attention immediately.

Another potential risk associated with using pesticides to control ants is contact with exposed skin. Skin exposure can result in irritation, inflammation, redness, rashes, and even burn-like sensations. It can also increase your vulnerability to sensitivities and allergies, putting you at greater risk of developing adverse reactions in the future. Again, if symptoms occur following contact with a pesticide it is important that you seek medical attention right away.

Finally, ingesting a pesticide can be extremely dangerous and should never be done under any circumstances. Ingesting chemicals from pesticides could cause vomiting and nausea as well as kidney damage and internal organ failure. If ingested immediately rinse out your mouth thoroughly with water and seek immediate medical help regardless of how mild the symptoms may appear.


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