Bed Bugs

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Let’s face it: there’s nothing worse than waking up to find your sheets stained with bright red bug bites. Unfortunately, bed bugs are becoming an increasingly common issue in homes across the country. If you’ve recently discovered that your home has become the victim of a bed bug infestation, you’re probably wondering what to do next. Fortunately, a comprehensive bed bug pest control plan can help you get rid of bed bugs quickly and safely. In this blog post, we’ll give you the information and guidance you need to create a successful pest control plan that permanently erases these pesky critters from your home. From cleaning techniques and extermination techniques to preventive measures you can take, you’ll find all of the bed bug pest control tips you need to restore your home to its pre-infestation glory! So, read on and get ready to take charge of your bed bug problem.

Bed Bugs Pest Control Brighton Colorado


One effective method of pest control for bed bugs is thorough vacuuming and steam cleaning of mattresses and furniture. Additionally, insecticides approved by the Environmental Protection Agency can be used, but should only be done so with caution.


Being able to identify bed bugs is an essential first step in successfully resolving an infestation. Bed bugs have an oval, flattened body with a reddish-brown color and range from 1-7 millimeters in length. They often have small, speckled markings on their bodies and usually become darker when engorged with blood. In addition to their physical features, it’s useful to be aware of the signs of an infestation. These may include dark/rusty spots on bed sheets/ furniture (which is a result of bed bug excrement), tiny eggshells or skin that has been shed by immature bed bugs, and a musty odor which is caused by a group of pheromones released by the pests.

Some people suggest that you can prevent an infestation by regularly vacuuming and steaming your mattresses, while others believe this won’t be effective since vacuum cleaners aren’t strong enough to remove the eggs, which are the most common form of transferral. Ultimately the best way to identify if you have an infestation is to call in a professional who can accurately identify the source of the problem and apply targeted solutions for successful eradication.

Now that you understand how to identify bed bugs, let’s look at professional pest control methods for managing and preventing them.

  • According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), bed bug infestations have been reported in all 50 U.S. states, as well as other countries worldwide.
  • In a study published in 2013, it was found that the most effective method of bed bug control was the combined use of an insecticide and a non-chemical technique such as steam or heat treatment.
  • A survey conducted in 2017 revealed that professional pest control services were used by 62% of respondents who had experienced a bed bug infestation.


Professional pest control for bed bugs is a common method of quickly and safely removing an infestation, but there are risks. While hiring a professional can provide peace of mind as these specialists are experienced with the many methods available to rid homes of these pests, there may be hidden costs such as the additional expense of repeated treatments, or the treatment itself could be too costly. Additionally, because these professionals are using insecticides, there is a risk of chemical exposure and potential health hazards, depending on which product they’re using and how it is used.

On the other hand, if done correctly by a trained and certified technician, professional pest control for bed bugs can be an effective way to get rid of an infestation immediately. Professionals have access to more powerful pesticides and application techniques that can remove even large infestations with fewer applications. Furthermore, traditional DIY traps and sprays are designed for smaller infestations—but in larger infestations, where multiple suites and multiple apartments within a building must be treated, the task becomes too big for most residents to handle alone.

For families who aren’t comfortable using pesticides in their homes or simply don’t have the time or resources to invest in long-term effective treatment, hiring a professional pest control service can make all the difference in quickly and safely resolving an infestation. Now we will discuss what is involved in the process for professional pest control for bed bugs.


Professional pest control for bed bugs is a common and effective method of quickly and safely removing an infestation, but there are both benefits and risks associated with it. Hiring a professional can provide peace of mind and access to more powerful pesticides and techniques than traditional DIY traps and sprays. However, this choice may come with additional expenses, chemical exposure, and potential health hazards. For those not comfortable or able to use DIY treatments, professional pest control can be a great option.


When it comes to getting rid of bed bugs, professional pest control services can be an effective option. Professional pest controllers have access to a variety of treatments and can identify the type of infestation, allowing them to choose the most suitable option for your home. Many people feel that the best way to effectively eliminate a bed bug infestation is by calling in an expert, yet there are some pros and cons associated with this approach.

One argument in favor of using a professional pest controller is that they will have access to more powerful and effective pesticides than those available over the counter, which can help to quickly solve any bed bug problem you might be facing. They have also experienced professionals who know how to perform specialty bed bug treatments in both residential and commercial settings. Furthermore, when engaging in professional pest control services, it is recommended that a homeowner should get multiple quotes prior to selecting a service provider so that they can ensure they are receiving quality workmanship at the right price.

On the other hand, some people prefer to utilize DIY techniques as part of their bed bug elimination strategy. DIY bed bug eradication requires little money up-front and can allow homeowners to save money in the long run. Additionally, DIY insecticides often contain natural ingredients that may be less hazardous than chemicals used by professional exterminators, making them safer for use around children and pets. However, it is important to keep in mind that professional pest controllers often have access to more powerful insecticides than those available over-the-counter, which may offer a more complete solution for advanced infestations.

Ultimately, deciding whether or not to use professional pest control services for eliminating bed bugs will depend upon individual circumstances; however, it is important to note that whatever route you take, establishing a clear plan of action – and adhering to it – is essential for ensuring the successful removal of any bed bug infestation. For these reasons, it is best to weigh the costs and benefits before beginning any pest control process.

Now that we’ve discussed professional processes for controlling bed bugs let’s look at one of the issues presented when using chemical sprays: The Dangers of Hazardous Chemical Sprays.


When dealing with a bed bug infestation in Brighton Colorado and surroundings, some property owners may be tempted to resort to hazardous chemical sprays as a means of pest control. While these chemicals can be effective in killing bed bugs on contact, they can also pose risks to human health and the environment.

The potential dangers of chemical sprays go beyond just the practitioner and user; they can also harm other people and animals nearby, especially if they are inhaled or ingested. In addition, the use of certain types of chemicals can lead to odors that could seep into surrounding areas, making them uncomfortable for residents and potentially increasing allergen levels. Furthermore, residues left behind by the chemical spray could remain in carpets and other soft furnishings long after treatment has finished, creating potential health risks should they come into contact with humans or pets.

On the other hand, there are benefits to using chemical sprays as a means of pest control – even if these are outweighed by the danger posed by the substances being used. Sprays are fast acting and easy to apply – often covering large areas quickly – meaning that you can see results almost immediately. They can also provide protection against future infestations, particularly when used alongside heat treatments and other methods.

Therefore, while hazardous chemical sprays should not be completely discounted as a bed bug treatment option, due care should always be taken when using them. Careful consideration should be made regarding your choice of product and its suitability for the space in question. When done safely, properly regulated applications of chemical sprays may help alleviate bed bug infestations in record time.

In our next section, we will look at another method for controlling bed bugs: home remedies.


Home remedies for controlling bed bugs can be an effective way to help get rid of them. Heat is one of the more commonly used treatments, as it can kill eggs and larvae not just on mattresses but in other areas such as furniture and baseboards. Vacuuming regularly, washing bedding in hot water, and sealing cracks and crevices can all be done at home by homeowners to reduce the overall number of bed bugs in the area.

However, some experts argue that while home remedies are helpful, they may not completely eradicate bed bugs in all cases. For example, if you vacuum up bed bugs they could potentially live in your vacuum cleaner and spread back into your home later on. Some also argue that home remedies such as vacuuming may disturb the pests and cause them to scatter across your house – making it harder for professional exterminators to do their job effectively.

It’s important to assess the situation before coming to a conclusion about which form of treatment is most suitable. Home remedies may provide temporary relief from bed bugs, but it depends on how infested an area is and the level of experience of the homeowner attempting these treatments. The next section will discuss different DIY options for controlling bedbugs more effectively when commercial treatments are not available or desired.


When it comes to controlling bed bug infestations, DIY options are often a tempting choice. But is a do-it-yourself approach truly effective? On the one hand, DIY bed bug control can be cost-effective and relatively fast. However, there are many factors to consider when implementing DIY bed bug control methods such as toxicity, environmental risks, and regulatory issues that come with using certain types of insecticides.

Heat treatments are the most common type of DIY solution for those trying to overcome a bed bug infestation. Heat treatments involve raising the temperature in an area to above 122 degrees Fahrenheit in order to kill bed bugs and their eggs. Depending on local laws, this type of treatment may not be permitted due to the high levels of heat emitted from these treatments. Additionally, heat treatments require some level of expertise to safely execute, so it’s important to research all applicable safety regulations before trying this method at home.

Dry ice is another option for those looking into DIY solutions to address an issue with bed bugs. Dry ice is safe for humans and pets but can be dangerous if used improperly or beyond the recommended time limit. This method also requires temperatures lower than normal indoor temperatures and special equipment in order to make sure no one is exposed to dangerous weather conditions while executing the treatment.

In some cases where the infestation isn’t too severe or widespread, a combination of vacuuming processes, monitoring traps, aggressive cleaning techniques, and pesticide use may be enough for successful home-based bed bug control. It’s important to note that when using pesticides it is sometimes difficult to reach areas where bed bugs like to hide without professional help as they often require unique heavy-duty grade tools in order to be effective. Pesticide residue must also be handled with the utmost care given toxic chemicals that are used in many household commercial-grade products.

So while do-it-yourself approaches may seem like an ideal solution for controlling bed bugs quickly and cost-effectively, there are many factors that should be taken into consideration first before attempting self-treatment methods at home. Now that we have detailed some potential DIY options that could be used at home let’s move on to our next section where we will discuss sprays, repellents, and bed bug residues as further treatment options.


When dealing with a bed bug infestation, certain sprays, repellents, and residues can be used to assist in pest control. Pest control sprays are effective because they have the ability to kill any pests on contact. Many insecticides contain pyrethrin and synthetic pyrethroids which act as nerve agents that disrupt an insect’s neurological system, leading to death. While these sprays can successfully eradicate an infestation, they are not effective at preventing a potential re-infestation if any eggs remain in furniture or carpets.

Repellents can help keep unwanted pests away. Certain natural oils, such as peppermint oil, are known to naturally repel insects, including bed bugs. Additionally, some artificial repellents such as DEET may also work in keeping bed bugs away from a particular area while allowing humans to enter uninterrupted. However, it is important to note that repellents are not a surefire method of eradicating an entire infestation due to their focus on prevention rather than extermination.

Bed bug residue is another tool for controlling an infestation. Bed bug residues contain pheromones and other chemicals that attract bed bugs and cause them to stick to surfaces when sprayed onto furniture or mattresses. The residue then causes the bugs to dehydrate when in contact with the product, eventually killing them in the process. This is an effective solution for getting rid of adult bed bugs but it does not guarantee complete elimination due to its focus on physical contact with surfaces instead of exterminating larvae or eggs hidden within crevices or fabrics.

In conclusion, using sprays, repellents, and bed bug residue can all contribute towards eliminating a bed bug infestation safely and efficiently; however, it is important to remember that these methods alone may only provide temporary relief as they do not necessarily address the root of the problem or guarantee removal of all insect life stages on their own. With this in mind, the next section will focus on ways of preventing a future infestation by outlining best practices for maintaining pest control in the home environment until professional extermination is sought out.


When it comes to dealing with bed bugs, prevention is key. While there are some steps that can be taken to get rid of them quickly and safely, prevention is the best way to make sure bed bugs don’t take up residence in your home again.

One of the best ways to prevent a future infestation is to keep your home clean and organized. Bed bugs are drawn to messy and cluttered homes, so try to keep yours neat and tidy. Vacuum regularly, do laundry often, and put away food containers or anything else that may attract insects.

If you are traveling on vacation or even just out for the day, inspect your hotel room prior to settling in. Look for telltale signs such as small red spots on sheets and mattresses, dark smudges on walls or baseboards, shed bug skins or tiny eggs around the bed area. If these signs appear, it’s best not to stay in your room; instead, opt for another accommodation. Additionally, store all suitcases away from the bed upon entry into any new room as bags can also easily become infested with bed bugs.

Inspect items before bringing them into your home. Flea markets, used furniture stores, charity shops, and second-hand stores are known hotspots for bed bug infestations; if you buy used items from any of these places, clean and disinfect them immediately after they get home. Make sure the item is completely dry before putting it inside the house. It’s also important to check pants cuffs at work if people recline on their couches frequently during their breaks as this is another way to unintentionally bring home an unwanted pest.

Finally, consider hiring a professional pest control company if you are already dealing with an infestation or if you want to make sure that you never have one in the future. Professionals know exactly how to locate any potential problem areas in your home and will be able to test them properly and apply treatments accordingly.

Now that we have discussed how best to prevent a bed bug infestation from occurring in the first place, let’s take a final look at what needs to be considered when thinking about bed bug pest control: our final thoughts on this topic.


When it comes to bed bug pest control, there are numerous methods at one’s disposal to help get rid of bed bugs quickly and safely. Heat treatments are often the preferred choice for eliminating these pests due to their efficient and long-lasting effectiveness. Chemical treatments, spray applications, and professional extermination services are also viable options for eliminating an infestation or preventing future problems from occurring. It is important to note that all of these methods may not always be appropriate for every home or situation; so it is best to consult a professional in order to determine which approach will work best for the specific circumstance.

The key to any pest control solution is timely action and diligence. Bed bugs can spread quickly and become even more difficult to eradicate if intervention isn’t swift and aggressive. Keeping an eye out around the house for potential signs of an infestation is also important, as early detection can give a homeowner the upper hand in eradicating the problem before it gets out of control.

Though it is possible to perform a DIY approach to bed bug pest control, seeking professional guidance right away is the most effective way of achieving a successful outcome in a safe and cost-efficient manner. A qualified technician can provide detailed instructions on how best to combat the issue while minimizing exposure risk to individuals, pets, and property. In some cases, treating the underlying cause of an infestation (such as clutter, or poor hygiene) might also be necessary in order to achieve lasting success.

Finally, personal hygiene measures such as weekly washing of bedding, vacuuming regularly, and reducing clutter can greatly reduce the chances of becoming re-infested with bed bugs or other pests in general. Taking steps such as these can help reduce the stress associated with a rapid response time during a crisis situation and ultimately achieve complete victory over pesky intruders!

No matter what kind of solution homeowners choose when it comes to dealing with their bed bug issues, it is always wise to weigh their options carefully by researching information from trustworthy sources before making a final decision. While some individuals might prefer cost-effective DIY treatments as their go-to method for controlling pests, others may opt for licensed professionals who can offer professionally trained expertise when tackling intimidating infestations. There are legitimate pros and cons associated with each approach that need to be taken into consideration prior to deciding on how best to handle one’s own particular bed bug problem.

Don’t wait around to see if the problem will fix itself. Call the professionals with Bee Smart Pest Control, who will make sure your pest issues are taken care of right away. We’re thorough and methodical, ensuring your property is fully examined. Your health – both mental and physical – is our number one priority, and we won’t leave until we’re satisfied that you’re comfortable and pest-free. We’re a family-owned company that’s been in the Thornton area for nearly two decades now, and we genuinely care about developing long-lasting relationships with our neighbors. That means listening to what you have to say, factoring in your input to form a plan of attack together, taking time to answer any questions you may have, and delivering the absolute best service.



The most effective methods for eliminating bed bugs include the use of heat, pest control chemicals, and vacuuming.

Heat treatments involve using specialized machines to raise temperatures in a room to levels that are lethal to bed bugs while leaving furniture and other items unharmed. This method works because bed bugs cannot tolerate heat above 45°C (113°F).

Pest control chemicals available at hardware stores are also effective when it comes to killing bed bugs. These products contain insecticides that kill bed bugs on contact but can be dangerous to people and pets if used improperly. It is important to read product labels carefully before using any products in the home.

Finally, vacuuming is also an effective method for eliminating bed bugs. Vacuums can remove visible bed bugs from mattresses, rugs, and furniture as well as suck up eggs that haven’t yet hatched. Vacuum bags should be immediately sealed and disposed of properly after each use.


One of the most obvious signs that you may have a bed bug infestation is the presence of live bugs. Bed bugs typically hide during the day and come out at night to feed, so it might not be easy to spot them during the day. To have a better chance of finding them, try inspecting your bedding and furniture at night when they are more likely to be active.

Another sign of a potential bed bug infestation can be found small dark spots on your bedding or furniture which may look like dirt or dried blood. These spots may be fecal matter from the bedbugs and can help you identify an infestation.

You may also see bites or rashes on your skin in areas where you’ve been sleeping. These can be telltale signs that you are dealing with bed bugs, as they will often bite exposed areas while you sleep.

Finally, an indication that you may have a bed bug infestation is if you start to notice an unpleasant musty odor coming from your bedroom. This smell will become increasingly strong as the problem becomes worse.


When it comes to avoiding a bed bug infestation, prevention is the best line of defense. Here are some preventative measures you can take:

1. Vacuum regularly, paying particular attention to cracks and crevices – Vacuuming helps remove any bed bugs and larvae that may be present in your home. Make sure to empty the vacuum when finished and dispose of the contents immediately in an outside trash receptacle.

2. Seal cracks and crevices – Bed bugs often hide in hard-to-reach places, such as cracks and crevices. Sealing these areas off helps prevent them from having easy access to your home. Use caulk or special pest control products to seal off these areas.

3. Use mattress and box spring encasements – Encasing your mattress and box spring with a special sealed cover will make it difficult for bed bugs to hide and establish a nest on your bedding materials.

4. Inspect secondhand furniture carefully before bringing it into your home – Before bringing used furniture into your home, inspect it thoroughly for telltale signs of bed bug infestations, such as red streaks left by their fecal matter or dark brown/black spots indicating their discarded exoskeletons and eggs.

5. Wash all items of clothing and linens frequently – Washing all garments, sheets, pillowcases, curtains, and other fabrics in hot water can help to kill off any potential bed bug infestations that recently became lodged there from another source (such as a hotel room).

By following these simple preventative measures, you can help to mitigate the chances of becoming a victim of a bed bug infestation in your own home.

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