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It’s the middle of summertime and all of us know what it brings–fear of pesky little critters. One of the more daunting of these critters has to be hornets and other wasps. If you feel like your yard or property is being invaded by hornets, it’s time to act fast. Don’t worry, you don’t have to tackle this task alone – having a professional pest control company step in and tackle the problem is a great solution. In this blog post, we’ll tell you everything you need to know about hornet control, professionally. We’ll also cover a few tips on how to prevent hornets from getting into your space in the first place. So if you want to get rid of hornets and keep them away in the long run, then read on and get your answers!

Hornets Pest Control Brighton Colorado


The best way to control a hornet infestation is to remove the nest and seal off any entry points. You may also need to use an insecticide specifically designed for hornets, which you can purchase from your local home improvement store or hire a professional pest control service.


When it comes to dealing with hornets, oftentimes the best solution is preventive measures. Preventing hornets from entering your premises in the first place will save you a lot of time, money, and effort than attempting to eradicate them after they have taken up residence near or on your property.

Preventative measures are especially important for people living in urban settings, where hornet nests could cause considerable damage to homes or businesses if left unchecked. Public health threats can also be a major concern as hornets become more aggressive when defending their nest and can even sting multiple times if provoked.

There are several methods to deter hornets from entering your premises:

Remove opportunities for shelter – trim plants away from windows, seal any holes or gaps in walls, replace worn weather stripping on doors, and fill in any holes in the ground.

Keep food sources out of reach – ants and other insects can attract hornets; reduce potential food sources by regularly sweeping up crumbs and leftovers, and keeping garbage securely sealed and disposed of properly.

Choose plants wisely – avoid planting trees or shrubs close to your home that will provide nesting opportunities for hornets.

Eliminating standing water – clean gutters and fountains frequently, and remove buckets of water and other items collecting water outdoors.

Be aware of potential nesting sites – look out for areas such as eaves of roofs, hollows in trees, and sheds/garages.

Taking preventive measures is the first step towards eliminating a possible infestation of hornets on your property. By adopting these simple strategies, you can reduce the chances of a future infestation significantly. In the next section, we will discuss taking further protective steps to help reduce any potential threat posed by these pesky insects.


Preventative measures are an important part of pest control when it comes to dealing with Hornets. While home and business owners must take the necessary steps to eliminate existing hornet infestations, equally important is taking proactive steps to prevent them before they become a problem.

The best way to prevent hornets is to properly maintain any property, keeping trees and shrubs trimmed away from structures. This can help prevent the construction of existing hornet nests on or near properties, as well as stops them from coming into contact with human habitats. Keeping outdoor garbage covered, regularly fertilizing grassy areas, and removing standing water sources can also go a long way in preventing Hornet activity in the area.

On the flip side, some experts claim that it may not be possible to completely eradicate Hornets from a given environment as they are a natural part of the ecosystem. Therefore, preventive measures may not always be effective if a given environment lends itself to being hospitable for Hornet populations.

Ultimately, although preventive measures may not always work in every scenario, taking the necessary steps that reduce inhabitants’ chances of having their homes or businesses invaded by Hornets is still essential and will likely go far in keeping them away from your property. The next step in hornet pest control involves identifying the species and locating their nest sites, which will be discussed in the following section.


Identifying hornets and their nests is an important pest control step. Hornets are larger than many other stinging insects, including wasps and yellow jackets, making them easier to spot. Their bodies and wings have distinct patterns of black and white or yellow, such as the European hornet which is brown and yellow striped. Hornet nests are commonly found hanging from trees, shrubs, eaves, or the rafters of buildings.

Identifying nests is not always straightforward, however; some species create their colonies underground in tunnels or chambers that may be relatively hidden. Larger species like the bald-faced hornet can build paper honeycomb nests up to a foot in diameter. In contrast, small species such as digger wasps may only make a dirt mound up 1-2 inches across that could easily be mistaken for an ant hill.


Some experts argue that DIY methods such as spraying store-bought insecticides should never be used to treat nests or identify types of hornets because these products can cause damaging environmental effects when used improperly. On the other hand, advocates of this approach argue that it can be effective in eliminating minor infestations and preventing any further spread of the problem.

No matter how you approach it, it’s important to confidently identify types of hornets and be aware of typical nesting locations to safely and effectively tackle the issue at hand. Now let’s delve into some additional considerations related to the locations of hornets and their nests.


Hornets prefer to build their nests in dark, sheltered areas away from humans, animals, and intense weather conditions. This means that the most common places to find hornet nests include ceilings, sheds, garages, attics, tree cavities, and vents. If possible, locate the nest at night when they are most dormant. Unfortunately, during the day they can be very hard to spot and may even take off if disturbed too close. It is important to note that wasps and hornets are often mistaken for one another as they look quite similar. Wasps can typically be found on roofs or man-made structures like gutters while hornets prefer more natural habitats such as trees or cavities in walls.

The debate over whether it is best to remove a hornet’s nest or simply leave it alone runs deep. On one hand, removing a hornet’s nest eliminates a potential source for future populations of hornets and wasps. However, on the other hand, leaving an existing wasp or hornet’s nest alone could mean fewer stinging insects in your area as there could be less competition for food sources among different species. Ultimately the decision comes down to weighing up factors such as the number of stinging pests already present and time constraints (e.g., the safety of neighbors).

When dealing with hornets’ nests it is important to remember the risks involved in attempting to remove them yourself. Professional pest controllers have the know-how and expertise that come with experience which will greatly reduce the risk of injury when dealing with such creatures. With that said, now that you understand where you can find hornets’ nests and have debated both sides of the argument surrounding their removal; it is time to discuss eliminating these troublesome pests once and for all. The next section will dive into the practice of professional pest control solutions for getting rid of hornets.

  • According to the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), aerial hornets, also known as yellow jackets, can have nests in hollow tree stumps, under the eaves of houses and barns, inside house attics, and around other man-made structures.
  • Consistent use of insecticide on hornet nests is the most effective way to eliminate an infestation.
  • The Entomology and Plant Pathology Division of the Tennessee Department of Agriculture states that insecticides containing cyfluthrin and lambda-cyhalothrin are effective in controlling aerial hornet nests.


Eliminating hornets can be a tricky endeavor, but it is essential for a safe and pest-free environment. In most cases, attempting to remove the nest or trap the hornets yourself is not recommended, due to the risk of being stung which can cause allergic reactions in some people. The best solution is generally to hire a professional pest control service.

There are two main routes for a professional pest control service to take when eliminating hornets: chemical spray or bait traps. Chemical sprays contain a repellent that has been designed to drive out the hornets and is typically used in more enclosed areas such as attics with limited access points. Pros include quick results while cons can include the risks of exposing human family members and pets to toxic chemicals. Bait traps utilize pheromones emitted by the hornets that draw other members of the colony, allowing them to be exterminated after all members have been lured into the trap. These are typically used outdoors and in large areas with many access points. Pros include more selective extermination while cons include potential disruption and destruction of nearby ecosystems if not carefully managed.

No matter which option is chosen, both solutions must follow safety procedures and adhere to local regulatory guidelines to ensure both effective and efficient nest removal. Following these precautions is essential for the proper execution of any extermination process.

With that said, now that we’ve discussed eliminating hornets, let’s move on to traps or baits as our next topic in exploring professional pest control solutions for getting rid of hornets.


Traps or Baits can be a useful way to catch and get rid of hornets. If you’re looking for a more affordable solution, then traps or bait may be the way to go. Traps are designed to lure in hornets, allowing them in but preventing their escape. Baits such as sugary liquids or gels can also be used to attract various pests, including hornets. These solutions should be applied close to the nests or entry points within your property, which is then likely to attract other pests besides hornets.

However, with traps and baiting, there are some risks involved. Firstly, since these solutions often use sweet liquids or gels they can also attract other types of pests and animals, such as flies and mosquitoes. Secondly, because traps and baits do not eradicate the colonies of hornets they may return in large numbers once they’ve been disturbed by the traps or bait. This can make it difficult to completely eradicate the source of problems around your home or business premises.

Although traps and baits can be useful when dealing with hornet pest control, treatments such as chemical sprays may provide stronger and more long-term results that a professional pest control company can deliver most effectively. Therefore, for thorough pest control for hornets, we must turn to treatments as our next option.

This brings us to our next section about Treatments for Hornets and how professionals use them when eliminating this type of pest from a property.


When dealing with hornets, an extensive range of treatments is available to get rid of them. Controlling hornets with physical exclusion and insecticide dust are amongst the most popular treatment methods that are used.

Exclusion is a simple yet effective technique that involves sealing up any gaps in walls and fencing that can be targeted by the hornets, making access impossible. It is important to note that exclusion should only be done carefully and correctly, as it can disrupt nature’s way of life if performed incorrectly.

Insecticides are another very common form of pest control—it kills the hornets on contact. Insecticides can vary in strength and type, so it is important to always read the label before applying any treatment or product. Dust formulations are typically applied directly onto nest entrances or into voids in walls and ceilings, whereby gases may be injected into concealed nests.

It is necessary to consider both the pros and cons when debating treatments for hornets: in terms of physical exclusion – the main benefit is that there is no need for pesticides or insecticides; however, this type of solution may not work if there are existing nests located within existing buildings or structures (e.g., inside wall cavities). Alternatively, many people tend towards using insecticides due to ease of application; however, pesticides do pose certain risks such as potential environmental harm if over-applied or handled by untrained personnel.

Now that we have explored treatments for hornets, let’s turn our attention to learning more about insecticides and pesticides – a vital tool in keeping these unwelcome guests away from your home or business!


Insecticides and pesticides are important tools in pest control and can be used to get rid of hornets. Professional pest control companies often use insecticides and pesticides to destroy nests, as well as kill individual hornets. Depending on the type of treatment needed, they may choose to apply a liquid spray or dust product.

Although insecticides and pesticides can be effective solutions for controlling hornets, some people may have ethical concerns about using these chemical treatments around their homes. Supporters of chemical sprays and powders argue that these treatments provide a more targeted, improved solution compared to traditional methods such as knocking down nests or trapping. Additionally, these treatments provide an effective way of removing nests without having to come into physical contact with the hornet colony.

Conversely, opponents worry about potential environmental risks associated with the use of insecticides and pesticides, including potential damage to ecosystems, threats to birds and other animals, and contamination of water sources. Furthermore, repeated spraying may be necessary because treated surfaces can lose potency over time.

In the end, it is up to each person to assess the risks and decide whether or not it is right for them to use chemical pest control treatments around their homes. Those who opt for this approach should always consult a professional first to ensure proper safety measures are followed during application.

Now that we understand the basics of insecticides and pesticides for hornet removal, let’s move on to discuss another common scenario: hornets in the home.


Hornets present a significant nuisance if they find themselves in your home. If hornets are observed nesting around the outside of your house, it’s important to take measures to prevent them from entering. Some may disagree, arguing that hornets don’t need to be eradicated because they can help to control other insect populations, like mosquitoes and flies, but their threatening appearance and stings can make it necessary to remove nests or individuals when they appear inside your home. Hornet stings can be very painful, especially for those with an allergy, and can even have potentially deadly consequences if not treated immediately. For this reason, it’s best to act as quickly as possible should you find yourself with these unwelcome guests.

The good news is there are effective strategies for removing hornets from the home. To ensure that all hornets are removed, however, professional pest control services are essential. Thousands of research hours have been devoted to honing pest control skills and developing effective treatments. In the following section, we will take a look at some of the most effective home pest control solutions on offer today.


Efficient and effective home pest control is essential for protecting your family, property, and pets. There are a variety of options available to homeowners to help manage hornet infestations in their homes. Some popular methods include natural repellants, traps, and hand-spraying insecticides or pesticides.

Those who prefer not to use chemical insecticides may opt for pest management techniques such as natural repellents like garlic or pyrethrin-based sprays. While these may provide some relief from pests, they will not be able to completely eradicate them from your property. Traps can also be an effective way to capture and remove hornets from your home. This method does require some patience and may not be successful if the numbers of hornets on your property are high.

Meanwhile, hand-spraying insecticides can be used as a more aggressive approach to pest control. These are generally more costly than natural remedies but can provide immediate relief from the nuisance caused by hornet infestations. However, it’s important to note that many homeowners run the risk of exposing themselves and their families to potentially hazardous chemicals when using this method.

The decision of which method of home pest control works best depends on numerous factors including the scope of the problem, desired outcome, and safety concerns related to exposure of humans and pets to any toxic substances used. Ultimately, it is up to the homeowner to weigh those considerations to select an appropriate solution for their particular situation.

No matter which method you decide on for tackling hornets in your home, it’s important that you take time for proper preparation before starting a pest control program yourself within your property. Doing so will ensure that the process is both safe and effective in its outcome. With that being said, let’s move on to professional hornet control solutions in the next section.


Professional hornet control involves a process of elimination to remove an entire hive from your home or property. Hornets create very large and dangerous nests that can be hard to eradicate. As such, professional pest control solutions are necessary when attempting to get rid of them.

The primary concern when dealing with hornet removal is safety. Because hornets are aggressive and their stings can be highly toxic, it is important to hire a qualified and experienced exterminator who is specifically trained in the safe and effective removal of hornets. Professional exterminators have the experience, training, and tools necessary for quickly eliminating hornets from the home or property without allowing them an entry point back into the area.

Professional exterminators may also use traps and baits as part of their control strategies to attract and capture large quantities of hornets before they enter the property. Additionally, exterminators may utilize chemical sprays that disrupt the reproductive process of hornets, eliminating entire populations within a few weeks.

There are also some arguments for acting on your own for Hornet control. DIY methods can be employed if necessary, however, homeowners should be aware that these methods may not necessarily provide complete population elimination. While you may be able to reduce the number of hornets present on your property, any nest left intact will simply rebuild itself usually resulting in even more pests than previously encountered.

As such, professional Hornet Control Services are recommended as the best way to ensure complete convergence and protection against future infestations.

Conclusion: Professional extermination services offer an effective solution for removing an entire colony of hornets from your home or property while adhering to safety protocols. The following section will discuss several considerations homeowners should keep in mind when opting for professional hornet control services.


In taking preventative and professional measures to get rid of hornets, it is important to think about the long-term safety of your home and family. To ensure a successful result in managing these pests, it is essential to take the necessary steps in identifying what species you are dealing with when they are most active, and steps that can be taken to control them safely.

When deciding on pest control solutions, there are several alternatives available to choose from such as DIY remedies, professional extermination services, or natural treatments. In general, DIY measures should only be used if you feel confident in your knowledge and capability to properly execute them. If you’re not comfortable performing pest control on your own, you may want to consider hiring a professional exterminator who will safely take care of the task for you. Another positive aspect of using professional services is the guarantee that they offer.

Finally, natural treatments can also be utilized as a safe and consistent way to reduce the number of hornets near your property. There are many different methods you can try such as planting certain flowers or plants that attract predators or introducing birdhouses for native birds who naturally feed on pests such as hornets. By taking an integrated approach with natural and traditional methods, one can greatly reduce the risk of future infestations occurring and maintain a safe environment free from hornets.

Overall, making use of professional pest control solutions for ridding your property of hornets is highly encouraged due to its safety benefits in comparison with layman’s attempts at self-administered pest control measures. When done right, getting rid of hornets can be accomplished quickly and painlessly without having to risk harm to yourself or others in the process.

Don’t wait around to see if the problem will fix itself. Call the professionals with Bee Smart Pest Control, who will make sure your pest issues are taken care of right away. We’re thorough and methodical, ensuring your property is fully examined. Your health – both mental and physical – is our number one priority, and we won’t leave until we’re satisfied that you’re comfortable and pest-free. We’re a family-owned company that’s been in the Thornton area for nearly two decades now, and we genuinely care about developing long-lasting relationships with our neighbors. That means listening to what you have to say, factoring in your input to form a plan of attack together, taking time to answer any questions you may have, and delivering the absolute best service.



The best methods of pest control for hornets depend largely on the severity of the infestation. For small infestations, insecticidal sprays can be effective. These sprays should be applied directly to nests and the surrounding area. For larger infestations, it is best to consult a professional pest control company who have access to specialized treatments and knows how to properly assess and eliminate hornet populations without risking damage to property or injury to people or animals.


When it comes to safely using store-bought pest control products for hornets, the answer isn’t quite so straightforward. Depending on the specific product and its active ingredient, it may not be the safest option for tackling a hornet infestation. Many store-bought insecticides contain synthetic pyrethroids, which can be hazardous if not handled properly. Furthermore, these products may not be powerful enough to effectively kill off an entire population of hornets, meaning that you could still have some left over after treatment.

On the other hand, professional pest control technicians are specially trained in dealing with wasp infestations and other stinging insects. They use specialized treatments that are much more effective and safer than store-bought products, as well as long-term solutions to reduce the chance of future infestations. Additionally, they come equipped with protective clothing and equipment that further minimize any risk of harm or injury. Ultimately, it is best to put your faith in professionals when faced with a hornet problem.


When attempting to remove a hornet nest on your own, it is important to always exercise extreme caution. Make sure you are appropriately dressed for the task which includes wearing long pants, a long-sleeved shirt, and gloves. You should spray the nest from a safe distance with a specially formulated hornet and wasp killer and allow for the insects to die before approaching the nest. Additionally, remember to remain calm and watch out for aggressive behavior such as buzzing or flying toward you when you approach the nest. It is also helpful to create a plan of action, such as having an escape route in case of an emergency. Lastly, if there is any doubt as to whether or not all hornets have been eliminated, hire a professional pest control service to ensure that they have all been eradicated.

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