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Ah, wasps. They’re the bane of outdoor summertime activities, ruining picnics, outdoor celebrations, and outdoor workouts with their buzzing and their sting. Now, I’m no fan of getting rid of our environmental friends, but when wasps start to take over in and around your home, it’s time to take action. That’s why I’m here today to discuss pest control for wasps: how to get rid of them safely and effectively.

Wasps are a very beneficial insect to our environment, but they can also be a pest. Wasps eat other pests and help keep the insect populations at a healthy level, but when their population gets too large, they can become a nuisance. That’s when it’s time to take action and put a pest control plan in place for dealing with wasps. In this article, I’ll explore some of the ways you can get rid of wasps safely and effectively so you can enjoy your summer free from the buzz of these pests.

Wasps Pest Control Brighton Colorado


One of the best methods to get rid of wasps is to use a spray or aerosol insecticide. It is also important to remove any food sources or nesting areas in your home, as this will reduce the chances of wasp infestations.


Wasps are typically identified by their bright yellow and black strips and rank among the more aggressive stinging pests. There are a variety of species, with common wasps such as the paper wasp, bald-faced hornet, and yellowjacket having a distinct look and preferred nesting sites. Paper wasps are slender insects with bodies measuring about an inch in length that can be distinguished by their six long legs and three body parts. They build nests from papers they make out of chewed wood fibers that hang from eaves or other exposed areas. Bald-faced hornets are darker and roughly twice the size of a paper wasp and build large gray nests that hang from trees and other structures. Yellowjackets, on the other hand, have bright yellow head regions with black stripes on their abdomens. Their clusters of round paper nests live underground and in sheltered spaces around homes, including tree trunks and wall voids.

However, not all forms of flying insects are wasps as some may mistakenly identify bees as wasps due to their similar physical features. Bumblebees – which might resemble bald-faced hornets, for instance – can be distinguished by the presence of dense hair over their entire body while wasps tend to be slender with smooth bodies. In addition, bumblebees feed on pollen while wasps feed on cicadas, caterpillars, flies, and honeydew secreted by aphids.

Identifying the type of pest correctly is an essential step in creating an effective control plan for the safe and efficient removal of wasp nests and keeping them away from your property. Once you’ve identified which species is present, you can move forward to the next step: prevention and repellent strategies to help keep wasps away from your home or business.


To prevent wasp infestations, several methods are available. The most common method of preventing a wasp problem is to keep the area free of food, as wasps are attracted to food sources. This may include avoiding leaving open garbage cans, food scraps in compost bins, pet food outside, or not letting pet bowls with food remain outdoors. Keeping windows and doors closed and keeping the environment clean are effective preventive measures as well.

Repellents may also be used to prevent wasps from entering an area. Planting mint, citronella, eucalyptus, or lavender near windows and entrances can create an unpleasant smell for wasps, making them less likely to enter the area or build a nest nearby. Chemical repellents without active ingredients may provide some protection against wasps for up to two weeks.

Although there are steps that can be taken to prevent wasp infestations, it’s important to remember that most of these measures are just temporary solutions and will not keep wasps away forever. Therefore, it is important to take additional steps such as prevention and control strategies indoors as well as outdoors to ultimately manage wasp populations.

Next up in this article is a section about “Preventive Steps To Take Indoors”. Understanding and following these steps will help ensure your home stays free of pests like wasps.


To prevent wasps from entering an area, keep the environment clean and free of food, close windows, and doors, and use plant-based or chemical repellents. These measures are only temporary solutions; additional preventive and control strategies need to be followed indoors and outdoors to manage wasp populations. Understanding and following these steps will help ensure your home stays free of pests like wasps.


Preventive Steps to Take Indoors:

When it comes to preventing wasps from entering your home, properly sealing any gaps around windows, doors, and other openings help. Sealing these areas can help keep the wasps out, so check them regularly and apply additional caulk as needed. Additionally, ensure that all screens fit securely on windows and doors to block large wasps from entering.

However, some argue that sealing openings can do more harm than good. If a wasp manages to get inside while an opening is closed off, they become trapped in the area and may become agitated. This can increase their aggressive behaviors, creating a greater safety risk for humans in the area. To avoid this, inspect your windows and doors frequently; if you notice any activity, open the window or door gently to allow them to leave without fear of being trapped indoors.

Finally, try removing the food sources that attract the wasps indoors in the first place like fallen fruit or sugary spills. Place lids over trash cans and make sure you clean up spills as soon as possible. By reducing the number of attractive materials available outdoors, many wasp infestations can be prevented before they even begin.

With preventive steps complete both inside and outside of your home, you can take additional measures such as natural repellents for outdoors to keep any lingering wasps away with minimal impact on the environment.


It is possible to keep wasps away from outdoor areas naturally by using repellents. Natural repellents are often a viable and inexpensive solution to pest control. When used correctly, natural repellents can be safe and effective.

The best way to use a natural repellent outdoors is to place the desired object in an area that wasps will not likely be attracted to, such as near water or on higher ground. For example, if insects are attracted to a garden, it may be more effective to place citronella candles in the nearby grassy area instead of directly in the garden. If a large area needs protection, small containers of natural repellents such as mint essential oil, peppermint oil, fresh lemon wedges, and garlic cloves can be spread out in strategic areas throughout the perimeter.

Different types of plants can also act as natural repellents for wasps. According to researchers at The Ohio State University Extension office, marigolds, daisy fleabane, and mums have been successful in deterring wasps when planted around the home or garden. It is important to note that these plants only work when their smell is present. For example, if a flower bed is frequently watered with a hose or sprinkler system, it may be necessary to reapply essential oils, fresh citrus fruits, or herbs every few days for maximum effectiveness.

Despite their potential benefits, natural repellents may not offer complete control over wasp populations. Some studies have found that even with the proper application of natural solutions, wasps may still find access to outdoor areas. Additionally, it may take multiple applications or multiple years of frequent use before any noticeable reduction in wasp activity is observed.

Natural repellents provide a useful tool for controlling outdoor wasp activity but they should not be considered as an end-all solution to prevent all wasp-related problems. They should rather serve as part of an overall plan that includes other measures such as physical barriers and removal of existing nests. With this in mind, it is important to move on to the section about removing existing wasps and nests to achieve long-term solutions.


Dealing with wasp infestations can be complicated, as you not only need to get rid of the wasps but also their nests. Homeowners need to be particularly careful when it comes to wasps, as they tend to be very territorial and don’t like any disruption near their nest. This means that trying to tackle a wasp nest without the proper knowledge or equipment could end badly. The best course of action is usually to call a pest control service which will find and remove the nest safely, wrapped in plastic sheeting.

However, there are cases where a homeowner may want to attempt removing a few wasps themselves. In this case, wearing thick clothing is an absolute must – bees and wasps are most certainly capable of stinging people through thin material so make sure to wear jeans and a long-sleeved top if removing them from your property. Additionally, homeowners should avoid swatting at individual wasps to prevent more coming out of the nest – instead, try using a broom to shoo them away.

When it comes to the removal of an entire nest, the situation is much more complicated. It’s important to note that some species of wasps build nests that aren’t easy to reach, while others will often move around multiple times before settling on a permanent home. For this reason, it’s best practice not to attempt such an endeavor without professional help.

Ultimately, your decision to remove wasps and their nests will depend heavily on your skill and comfort level in dealing with pests, as well as the type of infestation you are facing and the kind of approach you would like to take. No matter which direction you choose, always try to stay calm and in control; reacting angrily or aggressively may only exacerbate matters.

Now that we’ve explored how homeowners can go about removing wasps and their nests safely and effectively, let’s take a look at what might be required to kill wasps in the next section…

  • A survey conducted in 2018 across 25 countries found that wasps are the second most common type of insect pest, second only to mosquitoes.
  • According to the National Pest Management Association, wasp prevention should be a priority for homeowners as they present a high risk of stinging incidents.
  • Studies have found that a combination of dust and liquid pesticides is the most effective form of pest control for wasps.


Killing wasps is an option in certain situations, however, it should be considered as a last resort due to the potential dangers of the methods used. One of the most common ways of killing wasps is by using insecticidal sprays and aerosols. These chemicals can kill quickly, but they are also harmful to all living things and may affect other beneficial insects in your garden. Furthermore, when using insecticide, you must take care not to breathe in the fumes or contact the chemicals directly with your skin.

Another method for killing wasps is through direct contact with a nest or nest opening. This can be done either by hand or with a device like a vacuum cleaner hose. Wearing protective clothing while undertaking this method is important, as you may be stung during the process. In addition, if you do choose to go down this route, remember that you must completely remove both the nest and any dead wasps as otherwise, these can attract more pests to your property.

A final method for removing wasps involves setting up traps with bait and lures to attract them away from other parts of your property. These traps must be checked regularly so that any caught wasps can be disposed of safely.

If none of the above options are viable, then professional pest control services may be needed to disarm the situation effectively and safely for all concerned. To learn more about how professional pest services can help get rid of wasps, read on in the next section about ‘Professional Pest Control Services’.


When it comes to dealing with nuisance wasps, it is important to take the proper precautions and take action before the situation escalates. For larger infestations, professional pest control services can be extremely beneficial. While professional services come at a cost, hiring a reputable and experienced exterminator may be the most effective solution to eliminate an existing wasp problem.

Firstly, pest control professionals have advanced knowledge of the best practices for controlling pests in residential and commercial environments. They also have access to quality materials, specialized equipment, and the latest technology. In addition, they are trained to recognize different types of wasps and determine the point of entry into buildings. The experience of a reliable pest control company could save you time and money in the long run by ensuring that the task is done quickly, safely, and effectively.

On the other hand, many people question whether or not it makes financial sense to invest in a full-service professional pest company. There are many potential risks involved with spending money on something that may not solve the issue in its entirety. It is important to thoroughly research companies before signing up for their service to ensure that you will be getting high-quality treatment without any hidden fees or costly surprise bills after the project is completed.

Overall, although professional pest control services can provide more comprehensive solutions than attempting to manage wasps on your own, there are still various considerations that must be taken into account when making such decisions. Ultimately, it is essential to weigh the pros and cons before making a purchase decision to assure that you get maximum value from your significant investment.

Now that we’ve discussed professional pest control services as an option for handling wasps infestations, let’s now look at how you can safeguard your home against wasps to prevent future problems.


When it comes to dealing with wasp infestations in the home, prevention is often the best approach. Safeguarding your home can help prevent any future infestations and reduce the need for costly and potentially dangerous pest control treatments.

The most effective way to safeguard a home against wasps is to ensure that all potential nesting sites are identified and sealed off or blocked. Common nesting sites include holes in buildings, walls, roofs, cracks in masonry, and gaps under fascia boards. Unused chimneys, outdoor sheds, and attics are also popular nesting sites as they provide dark cavities ideal for building nests. It is also worthwhile to inspect windows and door frames for signs of wasp activity or existing nests before sealing any potential access points.

Once potential nesting sites are identified, they should be sealed off completely using a strong material such as wire mesh or plastic sheeting. If possible, make sure any material used has tiny holes (no larger than 6mm) that prevent wasps from entering but allow them to escape should a nest already exist. Where possible, seal off access points before April when wasp colonies become active and begin to build nests. It is also important to note that wasps do not need entry points to gain access to the home; they may dig tunnels from the ground into roof spaces or find their way in through vents or airbricks.

Another way of safeguarding homes from wasps is to remove any sources of food which may attract them indoors; keep lids on bins tightly closed at all times and avoid throwing food waste outdoors where possible. Any sweet-smelling foods (such as fruit juices) should be disposed of quickly and outdoor areas should be kept tidy with minimal clutter as this will reduce the number of potential nesting sites available nearby.

Ultimately, the decision on whether or not to take preventative measures against wasp infestations rests with each householder. For those seeking a more natural solution, there are several safe and effective methods available (e.g. using essential oils) that act as a deterrent whilst being kinder to the environment than some of the harsher chemical-based options available on the market today.

Don’t wait around to see if the problem will fix itself. Call the professionals with Bee Smart Pest Control, who will make sure your pest issues are taken care of right away. We’re thorough and methodical, ensuring your property is fully examined. Your health – both mental and physical – is our number one priority, and we won’t leave until we’re satisfied that you’re comfortable and pest-free. We’re a family-owned company that’s been in the Thornton area for nearly two decades now, and we genuinely care about developing long-lasting relationships with our neighbors. That means listening to what you have to say, factoring in your input to form a plan of attack together, taking time to answer any questions you may have, and delivering the absolute best service.



Yes, there are natural solutions to controlling wasps. One of the most common natural methods is to make use of the environment. For example, if the wasps have an area around the home that is attractive to them, such as a pond or pool, then you can encourage other creatures such as frogs and lizards which naturally feed on Wasps to inhabit the area. Additionally, certain plants such as mint can help deter Wasps from entering your home. Finally, Wasps do not like certain smells, so using essential oils such as tea tree oil or lemongrass might also provide some relief from unwanted pests.


The best methods for controlling wasp populations involve identifying their nesting sites and quickly eliminating them with a combination of physical removal and chemical extermination. Physical removal usually involves destroying the nest itself, either with an insecticide spray or by physically destroying it. Chemical extermination involves applying pesticides designed to target wasps specifically, such as dust containing permethrin or sprays containing cyfluthrin or d-phenothrin. Both of these methods can help reduce the population of wasps in your area. Additionally, limiting sources of food and water can often help reduce wasp populations since they need access to both to survive. Finally, using traps can sometimes be effective in reducing colonies, though this method should be used with caution since some traps can indiscriminately kill beneficial insects too.


Yes, there are a few long-term strategies for preventing wasp infestations.

First, it is important to keep attics, basements, and other possible nesting sites properly sealed off. Seal all entrances with caulk and rubber weatherstripping, and make sure all holes or cracks in the walls are plugged up. If you know of any open spaces or crevices that wasps could use to get inside your home, block them with screening or some other appropriate material.

Second, reduce outdoor sources of food that might attract wasps, such as sugary drinks and other sweet foods left outdoors. Wasps also feed on insects and caterpillars, so make sure your garden is regularly cleared of these pests.

Third, if you have natural sources of food for wasps nearby such as flowers or fruit trees, consider avoiding them during peak wasp season (usually from June to August). Spraying insecticides can also be effective but only when done carefully and responsibly.

Finally, consider installing electronic traps around your home. These traps can be set to specific frequencies that repel wasps without harming humans or other animals.

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